Extra-Curricular Activities: Carpooling For Children Makes Life Easier

Extra-Curricular Activities: Carpooling For Children Makes Life Easier

Do you want to enroll your children in extra-curricular activities, but the schedules do not allow you to take them there? Carpool sites for kids can make your life easier!

Have you enrolled your children in some extra-curricular activities? Judo, football, dance, music, visual arts and more are on the program for the fall! Unfortunately, schedules and locations of courses and workshops do not always coincide with your availability. Then often begins the puzzle of the timetable and the endless trips back and forth to various extra-curricular activities. But do not panic, there are several solutions to make your life easier!


Putting you in touch with people you trust

Kidmouv ‘puts you in touch with people close to you who can take your children to school or to their various activities. For this, you register and publish a free ad on the site. If the profile of one or more people interests you, you must then subscribe a subscription (5 days: 2 €, 1 month: 8 €, 1 year: 30 €) to get their details. You contact them then meet them to better define this accompaniment (regular or punctual request, by car or on foot, compensation of the car-pool or accompaniment in turn …).


Trusted people either have children in the same school group as yours, or were able to ask the Kidmouv ‘team to check their ID, driver’s license and / or diploma for those offering more childcare or help with homework. The little more of the site that can be very useful!

Caring with parents of the same club

in the same style, the Kiddydrive.com site also offers an ecological, economical and practical to take your kids to their activities. The small difference is that this site, launched in September 2014, puts you in contact only with parents of children registered in the same club as yours.

Specifically, the site provides Passes to partner clubs. They then give them to the parents who just have to type the code indicated on the Pass to access a space reserved for the club on kiddydrive.com.

For parents, the service is free. Small flat, in the immediate future, the site being brand new registered activity clubs are located mainly in the South East of France. It’s up to you to talk about it at your child’s club so that the initiative spreads everywhere!